Recipe For Chicken Lasagna

Family dish of Italian origin, the lasagne are easy to prepare and to decorate according to its desires. Everyone has their own recipe, whether in its classic version in Bolognese tomato sauce and ground meat or with salmon and spinach. We propose here to revisit this great classic with chicken breasts and mushrooms of Paris.


* 2 chicken breasts
* 1 jar of 400g tomato sauce cooked without meat
* 1 pack of lasagne sheets
* Béchamel sauce
* 1 can of 400g chopped mushrooms
* 1 onion
* 1 c. Olive oil
* 70g grated cheese
* Salt pepper


* Preheat oven to 180 ° C (gas mark 6).

* Wash and cut the chicken into small cubes.

* Peel the onion and slice it. Make it back to the pan in olive oil. Add the chicken. Season with salt and pepper and continue cooking for 5 minutes. Then add the drained mushrooms.

* In a gratin dish with high sides, place a tomato sauce layer. Cover with lasagna leaves. Coat them with a layer of béchamel. Add a layer of chicken and mushroom stuffing. Pour back tomato sauce.

* Alternate the layers and ending with béchamel. Sprinkle chicken lasagne with shredded cheese.

* Bake for 35 to 40 minutes. When the top of the chicken lasagna dish is well browned, serve immediately with a green salad dressing.

For chicken lasagne, you can use ready-made béchamel or make it yourself. To do this, melt 25 g butter in a saucepan. When melted, add 2 tablespoons of flour and mix well. Pour the milk gradually, stirring regularly. Salt and pepper. The bechamel will thicken little by little.

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