Recipe For Crozets Savoyard

Crozets are a variety of starchy specific to Savoy. Delicious, accompanied by a salad and a red wine or a raw cider. Savoyard origin.


* 400 g of Crozet
* 200 g of diced bacon
* 200 g of Beaufort
* 150 g fresh cream
* 1 onion
* Salt, pepper


* Cook the Crozets in boiling water for 20 min.

* Peel the onion and cut into thin dice.

* Brown the bacon.

* Grab the Beaufort.

* In a dish, put the Crozets, chopped onion, bacon and Beaufort.

* Add fresh cream, salt, pepper, and mix.

* Place in oven th.6 for about 30 minutes.

Your Dish Is Ready...!!!


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