Recipe For Rainbow Jelly

This is worth the time and, as it can be made ahead, it’s an instant frankfurter on the day. Use whatever jelly you like, or make with herbal and flavor it with fresh juices.

Here is the recipe for " Rainbow Jelly. "


* Vegetable oil
* 4 packets of jelly, in different colors


* Create a large working area and get out lots of bowls and measuring jugs – you’ll need them.

* Wipe the inside of your jelly carve with a tiny bit of oil. Make your first jelly layer according to packet instructions (it’s best to use a little less liquid, around 50ml, than the amount suggested to ensure the jelly is stout) and pour into your carve.

* Place the jelly in the fridge for 10 to 20 minutes. The key to layering up the jelly is never to let the previous layer fully set. It should still be stable, not completely firm, or the next layer won’t stick.

* While your first layer is setting in the fridge, crack on with the next coloured jelly and pour it into your mould when the previous layer is just firm enough.

* Repeat this process – mixing up the next layer and color of jelly while your carve is in the fridge – until you have a bonkers but beautiful layered-up jelly cake.

Then serve it when it's complete...!!!


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